Declare Bankruptcy in England from Afghanistan, Asia

If you are living or working in Afghanistan and have debts from the UK you can file bankruptcy from abroad.

As long as you have moved from an address in England or Wales within the last three years this option is available to you. You will need a person or company to act on your behalf in the High Court of London using power of attorney.

If you are a member of the armed forces on duty in Afghanistan and you are struggling to pay your debts in England this may be an option for you. For further advice please contact our company by using our short enquiry form.


File English Bankruptcy from Afghanistan

Bankruptcy in England lasts for twelve months in most cases. Once the bankruptcy has been approved by the High Court the Insolvency Service will assess your income and assets.

Declaring bankruptcy from overseas has slightly different procedures and systems but will clear most debts including loans and credit cards. If your property has negative equity it can also be included in the English bankruptcy if required.

For further information please contact our company by email or our by using our online application form.