Filing Bankruptcy in England from Armenia, Asia

Not that many people move to Armenia from the UK, but if you have lived in England or Wales and have moved to Armenia to live or work we can assist you if you have debts from England that you cannot pay.

You can file bankruptcy in the UK from Armenia as long as you take this action within three years of moving overseas.

Bankruptcy from Abroad assists people living overseas with English debts. For further help and advice please complete our confidential enquiry form and an advisor will contact you to discuss your circumstances.


Declaring English Bankruptcy from Armenia in Asia

This process can be administered for you without the need to return to England. We work under power of attorney in the High Court of London and file the bankruptcy paperwork on your behalf.

We have helped many people living in Asia to file bankruptcy in England. We will also assess your situation and explain if there are any other options that you have to deal with your debts.

Contact us by Skype, telephone, email or by using our short questionnaire.